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Thursday, 05 September 2024

Dialogue between New Student Parents/Guardians and the Leadership of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Trisakti for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

The Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Trisakti held a dialogue session between the parents of new students for the 2024/2025 Academic Year and the leadership of the Faculty on Monday, August 26, 2024. The event took place in the Auditorium of Campus B, FK-FKG USAKTI.



This dialogue was attended by the Dean’s office, Heads of Study Programs, Department Heads, the Director of RSGM-P, and the organizing committee team.

The dialogue session began with a welcoming speech and an explanation of the educational system at the Faculty of Dentistry, delivered by the Dean of the Faculty, Drg. Wiwiek Poedjiastoeti, M.Kes, Sp.BMM, Ph.D. The session then continued with explanations on the following topics:

  • Academic Implementation by Dr. drg. Yohana Yusra, M.Kes
  • Financial Administration and Infrastructure by Drg. Rosalina Tjandrawinata, MSi, PhD
  • Student Affairs, Alumni, and PKKMB by Dr. drg. Ciptadhi Tri Oka Binartha, M.Kes
  • Planning, Development, and Cooperation by Dr. drg. Wita Anggraini, M.Biomed, Sp.Perio
  • Introduction of Academic Advisors and Screening of the Faculty’s Facilities Video
  • Discussion and Q&A
  • Closing Remarks

The purpose of this dialogue was to provide parents with a better understanding of dental education and to encourage them to actively monitor and motivate their children throughout their education at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Trisakti.





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